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We provide quality services for quality-critical industries.

These services cover a broad spectrum of quality roles – from providing a constant supplier shop-floor presence, to providing a team of subject matter experts. Backed by SQA’s infrastructure and led by a dedicated Program Manager, we will collaborate, communicate and deliver results to your expectations. Regardless of the task at hand, this ensures that we consistently act as an extension of your organization and that we are aligned with your business goals.

Our Engineering services provide technical leadership and support in pre-, mid-, and post-production environments at any point in the global supply chain.

Our Inspection Services are essential in helping you manage fluctuating activity across your supply chain – particularly as it expands across the globe.

Our Supplier Audits can help you with an audit crunch.  Free up your valuable quality resources to focus on strategic supply relationships and continuous improvement.

Managing Supplier Corrective and Preventative Actions (CAPAs) can be the most challenging and time consuming activity in your supplier quality program.

Our Supplier Remediation program helps you to develop suppliers to sustain your minimum level of acceptable requirements or regulatory standard.

Our Supplier Desktop Evaluation combines the qualitative aspects of secure, objective evidence with automated, and tracked scored supplier evaluation criteria.

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